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Monday, September 28, 2020

Black tea decreases stress.. Read more about what types of tea do to your body!

A lot of people drink tea for the taste, and every type of tea can benefit your body. In this list, you can find
all the benefits for every type of tea! You also don't want to lose the benefits of your tea!

1 - Green Tea
Green Tea has a lot of antibodies in it, and flavonoids, and other benefits to fight diseases, plus it improves the blood flow and the blood circulation and in decreasing cholesterol.

2 - White Tea
White tea, just like Green Tea, also has much more antibodies in it, helping in removing the remains of the diseases. It also helps in removing inflammations and problems in your body. White tea can also pause the growing of Colon Cancer temporarily. It also has small caffeine, making it your best option to resort to, incase you want to get rid of caffeine addiction.

3 - Black Tea
Black tea has Polyphenols, which can help greatly in increasing immunity, and in growing the good bacteria inside your stomach, and it can also heal your digestive system! On top of that, it can also reduce stress so fast, if you drink it daily!

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

6 natural ways to whiten teeth

At most times, even when you brush your teeth, and you do your best and keep them bacteria free, your teeth stays yellow still. Here are some ways to whiten your teeth:

1 - Baking Powder and Hydrogen Peroxide:
Using the mixture of Baking Powder and Hydrogen Peroxide as a mouthwash everyday for 6 weeks can remove yellowness for a really, really long time.

2 - Coconut Oil
Using Coconut Oil as a mouthwash can also help in removing the yellowness.

3 - Apple Vinegar
Rinsing Water and a little bit of Apple Vinegar for 30 seconds also helps greatly in removing the yellowness. Just make sure to spit all of it, as Apple Vinegar can cause damage due to its highly concentrated acids.

4 - Fruits' Peels
You can rub banana, orange or lemon's peels on your teeth for 2 minutes, and they help greatly in removing the yellowness.

5 - Active Coal
Placing active coal on your teeth and distributing it on all of your teeth and waiting for 2 minutes daily will also greatly help in removing the yellowness, because of the chemical compounds in Active Coal

6 - Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and Vegetables really help in improving the overall health of a human, so afterall, make sure to eat enough Fruits and Vegetables

Monday, September 21, 2020

4 mistakes you should avoid while making tea

Tea is good to drink throughout the day, for its benefits. But if you do not make the tea right, you'll end up losing most of its benefits. Here is some mistakes that you should avoid while making tea:

1 - Leaving tea to boil for long times
When you put tea in water instantly, then start boiling it, make sure to not boil for too long. Boiling for too long will destroy the good compounds in it, which will make your tea a lot less benefitable.

2 - Leaving tea bags in cups for too long
Leaving your tea bags for too long will cause a taste that makes tea bitter, so its recommended to leave black tea from 3 minutes to 5 minutes, and white tea from 2 minutes to 3 minutes.

3 - Using tap water
Tap water has chlorine in it, used to remove some dirty stuff in water and some nutritional stuff, can also affect your cup of tea. It's better to use normal water.

4 - Adding too much other components
This one is pretty straight-forward. Adding other components to tea just reduces the tea itself.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

You Should Avoid These 6 Wrong Habits That Decrease Immunity

Nowadays, immunity is an important thing and strengthening it now is the best idea, as the second wave of COVID-19 cases will start. You can also read about the fruit type that saved a 107 year old from COVID. You should also avoid habits that decrease immunity, which will be what we are talking about today!

1 - Continuous Tiredness
People who are tired for long times, are more visible to virus infections. To avoid this, you should sleep for a good amount of time (7 to 8 hours daily). Also, not sleeping while you are tired, affects your immunity system very bad

2 - Eating unhealthy food
All manufactured food, like potato chips, have lots of carbohydrates and manufactural colors, and they affect the Immunity system. It's recommended to eat healthy food like fruits.

3 - Drinking Alcohol
Alcohol can temporarily disable the good microbes in your stomach, giving the bad microbes the chance to infect you. It's recommended to rather have healthy drinks

4 - Smoking intensely
Smoking decreases the ability to the lungs to take out the poisonous things and microbes, plus smoking itself causes respiratory problems, so smoking in the first place is bad.

5 - Skipping vaccines
Skipping vaccines that block the viruses, will leave the human in danger. You should take all vaccines to stay healthy and to have a better immunity system.

6 - Not exercising
This one is pretty straight-forward

Huge gas explosion in Oklahoma

Thursday, September 10, 2020

CIA beaten by people in its own trivia game on Twitter!

CIA posted a trivia game on its Twitter account! Try to beat them!

منشور وكالة الاستخبارات الامريكية

مشاركة 1

مشاركة 2

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Main road in Altrincham closed due to overturned tractor and potatoes


Main road A556 in Altrincham closed due to overturned tractor, with a trailer full of potatoes on the ground.

Drivers are asked to avoid this area if travelling.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Mars will be at the closest distance to Earth in middle of October!

المريخ يصل أقرب مسافة للأرض أكتوبر المقبل.. وجمعية فلكية تنفى ظهوره كالقمر

Mars reaches a state of convergence and the closest distance to the Earth in the second half of October 2020, and it is rumored that the planet will appear to the observer with the naked eye as large as the full moon in the Earth's sky and that the scene will be beautiful and that we will see it for the first time in our life.

The Astronomical Society revealed in a report that it is scientifically impossible for the planet Mars to appear to the naked eye as the full moon in the Earth's sky to the naked eye, whatever the distance between it and our planet, and as seen from the Earth when Mars is side by side with the full moon, the diameter of Mars is about 1/140 The diameter of the moon is a full moon, this means that there is a need to place about 140 planets such as Mars stacked side by side to reach the diameter of the moon.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Brazil reopens Horror Funfair while COVID-19 cases are not decreasing

Brazil reopens a horror funfair, which drivers in cars, move slowly in the horror funfair, with random people jumpscaring them.

 البرازيل تعيد فتح مدينة الملاهى "الرعب" رغم ارتفاع إصابات كورونا.. صور

ملاهى الرعب

الملاهى المرعبة فى البرازيل

Egypt Today
