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Friday, September 30, 2011

ما المقصود بمرض "بارلو" وما أعراضه؟

مرض بارلو، والمعروف لدى الكثيرين بالإسقربوط، ينتج من نقص فيتامين C حيث يكون هناك ضعف بالشعيرات الدموية، والإصابة به تجعل المريض يشعر بالوهن، كما يكون هناك نزيف بجميع الأعضاء سواء اللثة، الأمعاء، بياض العين، الجلد، الكلى، الهيكل العظمى، حدوث تورم المفاصل واللثة، آلام فى الأطراف، خلخلة الأسنان، سرعة النبض، ضيق فى التنفس، ظهور بقع زرقاء أو سوداء على سطح الجلد وحدوث تقيح فى حالة الإصابة بجروح، تلك الأعراض تظهر فى حالة إصابة الكبار بالإسقربوط، بينما الأعراض عند الصغار فهى تتمثل فى ضعف الشهية، اضطرابات فى عملية الهضم، وعدم زيادة الوزن، وهذا المرض يفقد جسم الإنسان قدرته على التئام الجروح بسبب فقد الأنسجة على الترابط، ومن خلال عمل التحاليل الطبية ومعرفة مستوى فيتتامين "ج" يمكن معرفة مدى الإصابة بهذا المرض، ومن مضاعفات الإصابة بالإسقربوط إصابة المريض بفقر الدم المعروف بـ"الانيميا " نتيجة لتكرار النزف وسوء التغذية، كما يصاب المريض بهشاشة العظام بسبب توقف بناء العظم الجديد واستمرار عملية التخلص من العظم القديم.
أنه من سبل القضاء على أعراض المرض لابد من الاهتمام بتناول الغذاء الصحى والمتوازن، وضرورة تناول العصائر الطازجة مثل الجريب فروت ويعرفه البعض بالليمون الهندى، البرتقال والليمون، وكذلك الإكثار من الخضراوات الطازجة مثل الجرجير، الكرات والفجل، وتناول التوت، الفراولة، اللفت، الكرنب، الطماطم، البطاطس ومخلل الكرنب، وإلى جانب هذا يمكن تناول بعض الأدوية الغنية بالفيتامينات المختلفة والأملاح ويكون هذا طبقا لوصفة الطبيب المعالج.

25 % من سكان دبى معرضون للإصابة بأمراض القلب

اعلنت هيئه الصحه فى دبى أن 25٪من سكان دبى معرضون للإصابة بأمراض القلب والشرايين، وأن 30٪ من الأفراد ذوى الدخل المرتفع أكثر عرضة لعوامل الإصابة المرتبطة بهذا المرض.

وقالت ليلى الجسمى المديرة التنفيذية لقطاع السياسات والاستراتيجيات الصحية فى هيئة الصحة، إن الهيئة قامت بعمل دراسة مسحية بالتعاون مع مركز الإحصاء، أظهرت أن 25٪ من سكان إمارة دبى لديهم عامل من عوامل الخطورة المرتبطة بأمراض القلب والشرايين التى يمكن الوقاية منها، مثل ارتفاع ضغط الدم وارتفاع الكولسترول فى الدم، مؤكدة أن أفراد المجتمع مطالبين بتغيير نمط حياتهم والحد من العادات الغذائية غير الصحية، والإقلاع عن استخدام التبغ للحفاظ على صحة أفضل.

وأوضحت الجسمى أن أمراض القلب والشرايين هى السبب الرئيسى للوفيات فى دبى وأن 22٪ من الوفيات تعود أسبابها إلى أمراض القلب والشرايين.

وأفادت أن 19٪ من سكان دبى يزاولون قدراً كافياً من النشاط البدنى الذى يساعد على البقاء بصحة جيدة، مؤكدة أن عدم مزاولة الرياضة إلى جانب نمط الحياة غير الصحى جعلا نسبة كبيرة من سكان الإمارة تحت خطر الإصابة بأمراض القلب.

كما أظهرت الدراسة أن معدل انتشار عوامل الخطر لدى الرجال أعلى مرتين 28.3٪ من معدل انتشارها بين النساء 14.5٪، وأن معدل انتشار عوامل الخطر المرتبطة بأمراض القلب والشرايين يزداد بشكل ملحوظ مع التقدم فى السن، ويبلغ أعلى مستوى له 44٪ فى سن 60 وما فوق.

Sanofi prices USD 1 billion bond issue + Vacancies


Pharmacists_coffee magazine
Edition No. 425, year 5

September 30, 2011
Today's edition sent to:
25,606 Arabian Pharmacists
  Find Valuable attchment
  "7 Separators of Facilitation Excellence"
  may find attachment at the end of e-mail
Medicine of the week
Aciclovir (INN) (pronounced /eɪˈsaɪklɵvɪər/) or acyclovir (USAN, former BAN), chemical name acycloguanosine, abbreviated as ACV,[1] is a guanosine analogue antiviral drug, marketed under trade names such as Cyclovir, Herpex, Acivir, Acivirax(Mash-Premier), Zovirax, Aciclovir (Sanofi-Aventis) and Zovir (GSK). One of the most commonly-used antiviral drugs, it is primarily used for the treatment of herpes simplex virus infections, as well as in the treatment of herpes zoster (shingles).
Aciclovir was seen as the start of a new era in antiviral therapy,[1] as it is extremely selective and low in cytotoxicity. Pharmacologist Gertrude B. Elion was awarded the 1988 Nobel Prize in Medicine, partly for the development of aciclovir. Dr. Richard Whitley, a University of Alabama at Birmingham researcher and pioneer in antiviral therapy, was the first to successfully use the drug in humans.

Mechanism of action

Aciclovir differs from previous nucleoside analogues in that it contains only a partial nucleoside structure: the sugar ring is replaced by an open-chain structure. It is selectively converted into acyclo-guanosine monophosphate (acyclo-GMP) by viral thymidine kinase, which is far more effective (3000 times) in phosphorylation than cellular thymidine kinase. Subsequently, the monophosphate form is further phosphorylated into the active triphosphate form, acyclo-guanosine triphosphate (acyclo-GTP), by cellular kinases. Acyclo-GTP is a very potent inhibitor of viral DNA polymerase; it has approximately 100 times greater affinity for viral than cellular polymerase. As a substrate, acyclo-GTP is incorporated into viral DNA, resulting in chain termination. Although acyclovir resembles a nucleotide, it has no 3' end. Therefore, after its incorporation into a growing DNA strand, no further nucleotides can be added to this strand. It has also been shown that viral enzymes cannot remove acyclo-GTP from the chain, which results in inhibition of further activity of DNA polymerase. Acyclo-GTP is fairly rapidly metabolised within the cell, possibly by cellular phosphatases.
In sum, aciclovir can be considered a prodrug: it is administered in an inactive (or less active) form and is metabolised into a more active species after administration.


Aciclovir is active against most known species in the herpesvirus family. In descending order of activity:[2]
  • Herpes simplex virus type I (HSV-1)
  • Herpes simplex virus type II (HSV-2)
  • Varicella zoster virus (VZV)
  • Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
  • Cytomegalovirus (CMV) -- least activity
Activity is predominantly against HSV, and to a lesser extent VZV. It is only of limited efficacy against EBV and CMV. It is inactive against latent viruses in nerve ganglia.


Resistance to aciclovir is rare, but is more common in patients on chronic antiviral prophylaxis (transplant recipients, people with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome due to HIV infection). Mechanisms of resistance in HSV include deficient viral thymidine kinase; and mutations to viral thymidine kinase and/or DNA polymerase, altering substrate sensitivity.[3] Acyclovir has also shown cross-resistance with Valacyclovir and Famcyclovir.


Aciclovir is poorly water soluble and has poor oral bioavailability (15-30%), hence intravenous administration is necessary if high concentrations are required. When orally administered, peak plasma concentration occurs after 1–2 hours. Aciclovir has a high distribution rate; only 30% is protein-bound in plasma. The elimination half-life of aciclovir is approximately 3 hours. It is renally excreted, partly by glomerular filtration and partly by tubular secretion.
The poor oral bioavailability may also be improved by administering Valaciclovir, which has an oral bioavailability of about 55%. Valaciclovir is then converted to Aciclovir by esterases via hepatic first-pass metabolism.
Clinical use:


Aciclovir is indicated for the treatment of HSV and VZV infections, including:[4]
  • Genital herpes simplex (treatment and prophylaxis)
  • Herpes simplex labialis (cold sores)
  • Herpes zoster (shingles)
  • Acute chickenpox in immunocompromised patients
  • Herpes simplex encephalitis
  • Acute mucocutaneous HSV infections in immunocompromised patients
  • Herpes simplex keratitis (ocular herpes)
  • Herpes simplex blepharitis (not to be mistaken with ocular herpes)
  • Bell's Palsy
HIV-1 progression can be delayed by using Aciclovir, according to study led by Dr Jairam Lingappa. Effective in 16% of cases, can delay the HAART treatment by 1–2 years. University of Washington, Seattle. During a 2 year trial, 284 people progressed with the HIV-1, versus 324 who had not been treated with Aciclovir.[5] It has been claimed that the evidence for the effectiveness of topically applied cream for recurrent labial outbreaks is weak.[6] An earlier review of scientific literature showed that there is some effect in reducing the number and duration of lesions if aciclovir is applied at an early stage of an outbreak.[7] However, it was concluded that oral therapy for episodes is inappropriate for most non-immunocompromised patients based on costs and benefits, presumably in countries where aciclovir is only available on prescription. It was concluded that there is evidence for an oral prophylactic role in preventing recurrences.

Dosage forms

Aciclovir is commonly marketed as tablets (200 mg, 400 mg, 800 mg and 1 gram), topical cream (5%), intravenous injection (25 mg/mL) and ophthalmic ointment (3%). Cream preparations are used primarily for labial herpes simplex. The intravenous injection is used when high concentrations of aciclovir are required. The ophthalmic ointment preparation is only used for herpes simplex keratitis. In Singapore, it is available as a 400 mg preparation known as Avorax and a 800 mg preparation known as Herperax.

Multinational Pharmaceutical Co.

Female Medical Representative
Send Email to:

Zahrat Al-Eshraq group pharmacies - Riyadh

Salary: 3750 SAR
10 working hours per day
House allowance 12000 SAR (1000 SAR monthly)
Flight ticket: 2000 SAR (167 SAR monthly)
For more information & interview please call:
Tel: 014283445 - 0558355328
Dr. Nour

Medical rep. (Jeddah, Madinah, South)

Ronesca company is seeking highly caliber medical reps. in western area
candidates should be pharmacist or vet. age  below 30 years
preferable paste experience in Jeddah, Madinah, South area
honest, hard worker ,self motivated, self starter
valid transferable iqama
kindly send your c.v at:

Noura Pharmacy

Noura Pharmacy Jeddah ( One of the biggest pharmacies in the kingdom) Urgent seeking to recruit qualified candidates for the expansion at Jeddah .
Candidate should be:
1- Live in Jeddah
2- Transferable Eqamah
3- Hold Saudi Commission for Health Specialties.
4- Experience 1 year .
5- Age not exceeding 30 Years old .
We offer an attractive salary, transportation, housing, family medical insurance, calling and incentive
All applications will be treated with strict confidentiality
If your qualifications met our need please send your C.V at
Fax : 02 66 85 319
Mobile : 0530 33 74 13 Dr. Majed ( Branch Manager ).
Mobile : 056 313 5 444 Dr. Mohamad Jomaa ( General Manager )

Executive Business Development / Account Manager in Riyadh

Leading global Healthcare Communication Company is seeking to hire a high caliber candidate for
Executive Business Development / Account Manager
to manage their business in Riyadh City
The incumbent  must be :
* pharmacist
* 5 Years of Pharmaceutical Sales or Marketing experience  in multinational pharmaceutical companies
* Excellent proven sales record.
* Marketing skills is an added benefit
* Excellent Communication Skills in both English and Arabic
For the selected candidates, we offer a motivational international promising working environment
Competitive Prestigious Package
Kindly send your updated CV with a recent photo & other documents
in  " PDF or WORD " format to :
DEAD LINE : 10 October 2011

Leading medical research company

For Saudi residents only
We are seeking for highly qualified free-lancer field researchers
The ideal candidate should be:
-Male or female with a medical background "Medicine, Pharmacy or Vet."
-Previous experience in the pharmaceutical field in KSA
-Past experience in Institutional and MOH hospitals in KSA is preferred
Kindly send your CV with a recent photo to

Medical Representative KSA

Fast growing company searching for highly qualified med. reps in ksa ( Riyadh / Jeddah / Dammam) with the following criteria
Pharmacist / physician / Vet. / Science
Good experience
Age  28
Kafala transfer
Deriving license
please send your c.v. on the following e-mail:
within 3 days & write down on the subject the resident place

Medical rep ( Jeddah )

A fast growing pharmaceutical company is looking for
Conditions:- -
-          Pharmacist  or Vet
-          Age below 28
-          One year experience in Jeddah
-          Valid driving license
-          Transferable Iqama
Candidates should send their CV to

Medical Representative

multinational pharmaceutical company
looking for medical representatives in the Eastern Region Saudi Arabia.
please send your C.V to:

One of the principal companies (DEEF) of Saudi Import Co - Banaja Holdings in Saudi Arabia is inviting potential candidates for the position of:
Medical representatives
The position requires a strong candidate with the following requirements:
·         graduate of bachelor of BSc in pharmaceutical science
·         1-2 years experience, with a multinational pharmaceutical company would be of advantage
·         Hard working, customer focus and results oriented
·         Good communication skills in English language
·         Good computer skill
·         Holding a valid driving license
Please email your CV with a recent photo within 7 days to:

EPCI Pharmaceutical Company

EPCI Pharmaceutical company is seeking Medical Reps
for all Cairo and Giza areas
the right candidate should be
a-Pharmacist,Vet or science graduate
b-experience or fresh graduates are welcomed
Kindly send your CV with a recent photo within one week
Mentioning area of residence in subject to


A leading pharmaceutical company
Due to our expansion plans  in Alexandria
Seeking for full timer-Medical rep.
Pharmacists , age should not exceed 28 years
We offer an attractive package and own car
Please send you full detailed cvs to:

Liptis Pharmaceuticals

needs medical rep. resident qaluobia 2 (el kanater_shebeen elkanater or qaluob) and suez only
_ vet. or pharmacist
_male or female
_ one year experience as a med. rep.
_high attractive package, incentives, health and life insurance and own car
_interested members send c.v. to:

Focus Pharma

New local pharmaceutical company in Cairo- Heliopolis
looking for full time Medical representatives for:
Cairo , Sohag and Alex .
vet, science and physicians. one year experience will be with value.

PORT-SAID, Medical Rep.

In order to complete our success , We are well established pharmaceutical comp. need qualified Medical rep. at PORT-SAID. Candidates should be :
1. pharmacist or veterinarian.
2. age below 25 years.
3. port-said resident.
we offer competitive package, car policy and health insurance .
if you are that person send your C.V. on:

Romex Pharmaceuticals

An Established Pharmaceutical Company
Due to the planned expansion, we invite high caliber candidates to apply for the following vacancies all over Egypt
1. District Managers (Ref; DM)
2. Field Supervisors (Ref; FS)
3. Senior Acting As Supervisor (REF; SAS)
4. Medical Representative (Ref; MR-FT)
5. Medical Representative (Ref; MR-PT)
6. Product Manager (Ref; PM)
7. Assistant Product Manager (Ref; APM)
8. Field Trainer (Ref; FT)
Please send your CV with a recent photo, indicating the Reference in the Subject box to;

Pharmaceutical company

Required urgently med. reps be hard worker , energetic , enthusiastic
area :
Minia , Qena , Luxor , Aswan .
send c.v to:

Med.Rep For Apex

Apex Pharma
We are seeking for hiring New Med.Rep Full &Part time within Cairo Region
Applicant should be pharmacist, Vet. Or physic.
We are offering very attractive package and other benefits.
If you are willing to join one of most successful teams & organization within Egypt
Kindly send your C.V With recent photo and describe your residence in the mail subject to the following mail:-

Challenging position

A Promising pharmaceutical company needs to their new team
the suitable candidate have to be
self motivated
hard worker
customer oriented
if you meet these criteria please send your

Egyptian Medical Devices (EMD Egypt)

Due to business expansion, We Requires:
1)Medical Representatives
(Ref. MR)
A successful candidate should have the following qualifications:
- Male and female
- Science or Vet.
- Freshly graduated
- Energetic and self motivated
- Good command of English
- All Governates
2)Biomedical Engineers
(Ref. BM)
A successful candidate should have the following qualifications:
- Male only
- Freshly graduated
(Ref. SC)
A successful candidate should have the following qualifications:
- Female only
- Freshly graduated
- Good command of English
- Good command of computer, MS office & Internet
Please send your CV with a recent photo and ref. in subject within 2 weeks to the following e-mail address:

Golden Chance – Medical Reps & Product Specialist

Opportunities -
Medical Representatives and Product Specialist
for all gov (ref. ps+your home area)
have an experience with Gyna , Ortho Drs
Good English and computer skills.
Ambitious, dynamic, self motivated
And High ability to learn
We offer Healthy Workplace
-Very Attractive salary and benefits.
Kindly send your CV to email:


Full Time Medical Reps. needed in Alexandria
newly graduate & exp. candidates are allowed
vet., pharmacy, science
Excellent package with car allowance
send yr C.V to :


Well established , fast growing pharmaceutical company need
senior product specialist located in Damanhour (code D001)  AND Kafr Alshiekh (code K002) only
we offer: competitive salary ,incentive , car policy
if you are interested please send your CV to:

Future Pharmaceutical Industries

Newly established fast growing pharmaceutical company having a current GMP plant in Badr City, EGYPT seeking to employ ambitious, qualified, potential, hard worker, serious, and career targeting personnel for the following vacancy in Alex:
Product Specialist : experience in immunosuppressive products at least 1 year, pharmacist, vet or science.
Note: write "P.S Alex" in subject field.
- send your c.v to :
Manager pharmacist
Dr. Noha Mostafa Pharmacy located in Khosos, Ard El-Karawsa, Ramadan Farghaly St. from 8th St.
Require manager pharmacist
Tel: 0169397772 - 01522616075      

ELIETE pharma

An international company seeking for recruiting candidates in all governorates, offering an international package. Selection based on professional HR assessment. The positions are:
1. Unit Manager (Ref. 1 UM)
2. Product Manager, Assistant Product Manager (Ref. 2 PA)
3. Supervisor (Ref.3 S)
4. Product specialist, Medical Rep. (Ref. 4 SM), ( experience or fresh graduates are welcomed)
It' a must to write Ref. (in subject).
Kindly send your CV with a recent photo within one week on:

Med.Rep Delta Area

Out sourcing company :Need
Med.Rep Full&part Time
Delta Area { Dakahlia – Sharkia- port said- Esmalia-Domiatte }
Not more than 27 years old
Vet & Science { Biology – Chemistry}

Sales Supervisor Delta

Violine Pharmaceuticals Requires sales supervisor for delta region to promote and sell Cosmetics Products.
Candidates Must :
1- have previous experience in the same title and same products.
2- Age not more than 30 years.
for company information
please send your cv to:

Vamer Pharmaceuticals

An international company seeking for recruiting candidates in all governorates, offering an international package. Selection based on professional HR assessment. The positions are:
1. Unit Manager (Ref. 1 UM)
2. Product Manager, Assistant Product Manager (Ref. 2 PA)
3. Supervisor (Ref.3 S)
4. Product specialist, Medical Rep. (Ref. 4 SM)
It's a must to write Ref. (in subject).
A well established pharmaceutical company
need med. rep. in the following area : Alexandria center
candidate must be :
1- Pharmacist, VET or Science.
2-Smart & Hard worker.
3-Enthusiastic , Ambitious and self  motivated.
4- Good presentable and very good  in English.
5- Fresh Graduated Or Experience.
We offer attractive salary ,attractive incentive scheme , career path & car allowance. to contact us:

Golden Queen – med rep – Delta

Golden Queen Pharma
need for (Dakhalia / Domiatta / Sharkia and Porsaid)  medical rep.
exp.or without

International pharmaceutical company

looking for medical representatives in Abbasia / Hadayee ,CVS experience is an advantage send your C.V

Advanced pharmaceuticals Industry co (Apic)

Apic company seek to hiring :
1-part timer medical rep in all regions in Egypt (greater Cairo , delta , alex , upper Egypt )    ref : ptmr
2- Seniors in all regions in Egypt ref : name of your responsible area
candidates should be 2 years at least in similar position in other company
vet , pharmacist , science ( biology only )
send your c.v with recent photo is a must within one week to:

Only seniors and product specialists required

Due to its expansion a well established pharmaceutical co requires:
1-product specialists (males or females)
2-senior medical reps
only for Alexandria, Behira & Kafr el Sheikh
candidates must be
a- pharmacists, vet or science
b- must have at least 4 years of experience
c-at least 2 years experience in the same position
d-owning a car is a big advantage
we offer great salary, incentive, car allowance & a great career path
if you are interested please send your CV within 1 week to the following e-mail:
please mention type of job & area in the subject

Medical Rep for APEX Pharma

Apex is one of the leader company in the pharmaceutical industries ,
we are seeking to hire highly candidate (as a medical representative)
if you are interested kindly send your CV updated on:

Gazelle Marsh

Self motivated & hard working FEMALE Med. Sales Rep. for Cosmoceutical products are invited to apply for attractive opportunity.
Send your C.V with recent photo to:


Self motivated & hard working Med. Sales Rep. are invited to apply for attractive job.
Send your C.V with recent photo to:

Hygint Pharmaceuticals

Highly dynamic calibers, self motivated and result oriented (Med Reps) are invited to submit job applications and send their CVs for the vacancy of Med Rep
for Alexandria area and Mansoura area (Pharmacists and Vet.).
Accepted candidate will enjoy very competitive and attractive remuneration package, incentives, car allowance and learning environment.
Kindly send your updated CV to Email:

Beauty & Beyond

The innovative company in Hair and Skin Care Products
Due To Expansions we are hiring:
1- Supervisors                             Ref: SP
2- Medical Representatives     Ref: MR
3- Sales Representatives          Ref: SL
Pharmacist, Science or Veterinary
Dermatology Experience in a PLUS
Please mention the ref. & Send Your C.V. to:
For multinational medical & pharmaceutical companies
Orthopedic product specialist
·         Medical, Pharma, vet., biomedical or science background
·         Minimum 2 years experience in Orthopedic
·         Good communication & interpersonal skills
Kindly send your CV with a photo to
only short listed candidates will be contacted

Pharmacy for sale

Pharmacy in El-Marg in high population area for sale for travelling purpose
Old law rent (300 L.E)
Area: 36 meter
Daily income: 1000-1200 L.E
Price: 180000 LE  including  The price of drugs
Tel: 26992452 – 0116174745

Pharmacy for sale - Benha

For travelling purpose
Pharmacy for sale in Benha
Tel: 0120529191 - 0133255171

Pharmacy in Nasr city for sale

50 meter pharmacy in Nasr city  for sale for more information call
Tel: 0123689405
Pharmacy for sale/rent - Alexandria
for more information please call
Tel: 0169086199

Pharmacy for rent - Abbasia

For traveling purpose, working pharmacy for rent in Abbasia
Area: 30 m
Tel: 0124433378

Pharmacy for rent - Haram

area: 45 m
Shafeq Ghali St. from Haram St. in front of Europe Hotel
Tel: 0104005064
Needs pharmacists with experience for evening shift
Tel: 19245 - 0124314545
Needs male/female pharmacists
Tel: 0192321399
Needs pharmacists for morning & evening shifts
Tel: 0105302213 - 26908583
Needs pharmacists for morning shift
Tel: 22663857 - 0106585832
Needs male/female pharmacists with experience
Tel: 26326802 - 0198809596
Needs pharmacists with or without experience
Tel: 0197935733 - 23722666
Needs pharmacists with experience
Tel: 0113000909 - 0180400023
Needs pharmacists
6th of October & Zayed residents are preferred
Tel: 0106105790 - 38580442
Needs pharmacists with experience for evening shift
Tel: 0110166555
Needs pharmacists
Tel: 24858939 - 26855095
Needs pharmacists
Tel: 0111154766 - 0105537944
Needs pharmacists
Tel: 26902813 - 0175661799
Needs pharmacists & managers
Tel: 24525980 - 24502753
Needs pharmacists
Tel: 010322794 - 0122118427 - 0145008113
Needs pharmacists with experience for night shift (12.00am - 10.00am)
Tel: 0160055355
Pharmacy in Moneeb - Giza needs male/female pharmacists with experience
Tel: 33063951 - 0125103020
Needs pharmacists with experience
Attractive salaries
Housing is available
Tel: 0121709311
Pharmacy in Dar El-Salam
Needs male/female manager pharmacist for morning shift
Tel: 0125106686

Pharmacy in Imbaba

Needs male/female pharmacists with or without experience
Morning shift (10.00am - 6.00pm)
Evening shift (6.00pm - 3.00am)
Housing is available
Attractive salaries according to experience
Tel: 0101408392

Pharmacy in El Mokatam

Needs Pharmacists Male / Female
Mob: 014-6665008

Pharmacy in Zahraa Nasr City

Behind Salab houseware
Pharmacists required
Tel: 0169503837

Field Force Supervisor – UAE

A leading generic pharmaceutical company urgently needs Field force Supervisor in Dubai -UAE
1- Bachelor degree in pharmaceutical sciences.
2- At least 2 year experience in the same field.
If you have the above mentioned criteria, kindly send your C.V to:

Medical Rep. Job Advertising (UAE to UAE)

Medical Rep.  (UAE to UAE)
MEDPHARMA Pharmaceutical & Chemical Industries
Matching its expansion strategy for the year of 2011/2012; MEDPHARMA is look to recruit 6 Medical Representatives with the following criteria:
  1. Pharmacist (preferable)
  2. Age less than 30 years
  3. Experience (2 years minimum)
  4. Presentable with high communication skills
  5. Self Confident and Self Motivated
  6. Excellent command of English language
  7. Holding UAE driving license.
Candidates fulfilling the above criteria should
send your C.V. to the following
Pharmacist required for a pharmacy.
Contact 050-3478621.
Assistant Pharmacist & Trainee Pharmacist, female, required for a pharmacy in Sharjah.
Fax CV to 06-5752827.
Pharmacist & Assistant Pharmacist, with MOH licence, required for a pharmacy.
Fax CV to 04-3473546.
Pharmacist, with HAAD license, Urdu / Hindi speaking, required for a pharmacy.
Pharmacist, with MOH license, required for a pharmacy in Ajman.
Kindly send your CV to:
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Fax CV to 07-2274566.
Pharmacist, female, with MOH & DOH license , required for a pharmacy.
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Fax CV to 06-7468425.
Myasthenia Gravis
Click here to watch interactive tutorial

Takeda completes acquisition and names new CEO of Nycomed

Friday, 30 September 2011
Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited ("Takeda", TSE: 4502) announced it has completed its acquisition of Nycomed A/S ("Nycomed") for 9.6 billion Euro on a cash-free, debt-free basis and made Nycomed a wholly owned subsidiary of Takeda effective the same day.

NABP and Pfizer Partner to Educate Patients About The Flood of Counterfeit Medicines Online

Friday, 30 September 2011
Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP) are launching a new effort to draw attention to the risks associated with counterfeit prescription medicines and help patients learn how to safely buy medicines online.

Colorectal cancer drug may cause permanent nerve damage

Thursday, 29 September 2011
Oxaliplatin, a platinum-based anticancer drug that's made enormous headway in recent years against colorectal cancer, appears to cause nerve damage that may be permanent and worsens even months after treatment ends.

Lilly Launches Open Innovation Drug Discovery Platform

Thursday, 29 September 2011
Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE: LLY) announced the launch of a new open innovation platform designed to help build the company's pipeline of tomorrow and, from a philanthropic perspective, identify molecules that may have application for treating multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB).

Merck publishes innovation brochure with interactive features

Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Merck KGaA announced today that it has published a new brochure depicting how the company successfully transforms new ideas into innovative products, services and processes. The brochure concisely presents Merck innovations in pharmaceuticals, chemicals and life sciences that help to improve quality of life.

Sanofi successfully prices USD 1 billion bond issue

Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Sanofi (EURONEXT: SAN and NYSE: SNY) announces that it has successfully priced its offering of USD 1 billion of notes denominated in US dollars, due 2014, bearing interest at an annual rate of 1.20%.

New Novartis data show potential of respiratory portfolio

Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Novartis has presented new Phase III data at the European Respiratory Society (ERS) congress demonstrating the potential for its portfolio of once-daily inhaled therapies to help patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to maintain more active and productive lives.

Manager's Tips 102)
*Don't compare your Life to others., you have no idea what their journey is all about
*Don't have negative thoughts of things you cannot control. Instead invest your Energy in the positive present Moment
*Don't Overdo; keep your limits
*Don't take yourself so seriously; no one else does
*Don't waste your precious energy on gossip
*Dream more while you are awake
*Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.


Book No.58
Book name: 
Enterprise Marketing Management - The New Science of Marketing - John Wiley & Sons
Category: Marketing.
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