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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

المشروبات الغازية الخالية من السكر (اللايت) تضاعف من فرص أختلال وظائف الكلى

كشفت أحدث الأبحاث أن المشروبات الغازية الخالية من السكر (اللايت) تضاعف من فرص أختلال وظائف الكلى . و أكدت الأبحاث على أن تناول علبتين من هذه المشروبات خاصة الكولا يعمل على مضاعفة فرص حدوث خلل فى وظائف الكلى ( وذلك بالاضافه لمادة الاسبرتام واعراضها الضاره). و
أوضحت الابحاث أن السيدات اللاتى يتناولن أثنتين أوأكثر من هذه المشروبات الغازية خاصة الكولا تتراجع لديهم بنسبة 30% كفاءة وظائف الكلى فى الوقت الذى يرى فيه أطباء الكلى والمسالك البولية أن هذه النسبة تعد مرتفعة للغاية للحد الذى يجب معه مراعاه و حدود تناول هذة المشروبات

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

Sunday, November 20, 2011

كل المعلومات التى تريد معرفتها عن الجديري المائي

جدري الماء او الجُدَيْري أو العنقز هو مرض فيروسي شديد العدوى شائع في الأطفال يسبب طفح جلدي حاك و يمر عادة دون أي مشاكل في مرحلة الطفولة. يسببه الفيروس النطاقي الحماقي المسمى ب " فيروس فارسيلا ."

طرق العدوى :

يتم نقل العدوى الفيروسية في الهواء من شخص لآخر عن طريق الرذاذ الخارج من الجهاز التنفسي للمريض أو عن طريق الاتصال المباشر بالحبيبات والفقاقيع الجلدية المائية الموجودة على جلد المريض والتي تحمل الفيروس.

 وذلك خلال ثلاثة أيام تقريبا قبل ظهور الطفح الجلدي و طوال فترة المرض الى ان تكون البثور قشرة جافة.

فترة حضانة المرض : 10 الى 20 يوما ) الطفل بالفعل مصاب بالفيروس ولكن ليس مريضا بعد( تمتد من التقاط العدوى حتى تفشي المرض وظهور الأعراض.

أعراض المرض:

تبدأ عند غالبية المرضى باعراض خفيفة تشبه الزكام مع ارتفاع طفيف في درجة حرارة الجسم، و فقدان للشهية، احتقان في البلعوم، صداع وآلام متنوعة في الجسم 

تستمر لمدة 2- 3أيام قبل ظهور الطفح الجلدي والذي عادة ما يبدأ على الوجه والجسم ، وغالبا ما ينتشر في وقت لاحق على فروة الرأس والأطراف. وتكون ذات توزع مركزي مميز على الجذع اكثر من الاطراف.
و قد يصيب ايضا الأغشية المخاطية وخاصة الفم و الأعضاء التناسلية

يبدأ الطفج الجلدي على شكل بقع حمراء صغيرة تتطور إلى بثور سرعان ما تتبدل الى فقاقيع مائية مليئة بسائل شفاف ثم بعد يوم أو يومين تنفجر وتجف وتكون قشرة جافة. ويصاحب ذلك حكة شديدة ويمكن ان يشاهد الطفح الجلدي في جميع اطواره في وقت واحد وهذه علامة مميزة للمرض

مضاعفات المرض :

معظم الأطفال الأصحاء الذين يصابون بالجدري لا تظهر عليهم أي مضاعفات و تحدث غالباً عند الأطفال ناقصي المناعة أو النمو أو الأطفال الذين تقل اعمارهم عن العام الواحد أو الأطفال الذين يعالجون بالأسبرين لفترات طويلة.

بعد الإصابة بالمرض يكتسب هؤلاء الأطفال وقاية من المرض طوال حياتهم لأن أجسادهم قامت بإنتاج الأجسام المضادة التي تكافح الفيرس.

أما عند إصابة الكبار والبالغين بهذا المرض فإن العدوى تكون شديدة وتستمر الأعراض لفترة أطول مقارنة بالأطفال مما يجعلهم معرضين للمضاعفات أكثر.

ومن أهم مضاعفات الفيرس ما يلي:

1- الالتهابات الثانوية البكتيرية، والتي تحدث نتيجة تلوث الفقعات والحويصلات المائية بالكتيريا وتساعد الحكة على ذلك.

2-يمكن أن يؤدي أيضا إلى التهاب رئوي و التهاب الملتحمة. و نادرا ما يسبب التهاب الاغشية السحائي والتهاب الدماغ و التهاب عضلة القلب.

جدري الماء والقوباء المنطقية:

الاطفال الذين اصيبوا بجدري الماء عرضة لظهور مرض اخر يسمى داء القوباء الكامنة. بعد الإصابة بجدري الماء حيث يبقى كامنا في الخلايا العصبية لعدة سنوات ويمكن ان ينشط الفيروس في فترة البلوغ، في وقت التعب والإجهاد، وفترة الانخفاض المناعي. ويظهر في صورة بثور في منطقة محدودة من الجلد .

تلك القوباء يمكن ان تخلف بحد ذاتها بعض المضاعفات التي تكمن في حدوث آلام بعد اختفاء القوباء والتي تدعى "الالم العصبي مابعد الالتهاب"

يعتبر الشخص المصاب بالقوباء حاملا للفيرس ويمكن ان ينقل العدوى.

الاشخاص الاكثر عرضة لحدوث مضاعفات:

- النساء الحوامل اللاتي لم يصبن بالمرض من قبل وذلك لأن الفيروس يمكن أن يصيب الطفل الذي تحمل به، ويسبب تشوهات المواليد إذا كان جدري الماء قد تفاقم خلال الأشهر الأولى من الحمل، وتظهر التشوهات على شكل نقص تصنع الأطراف وتندب جلدي ومشاكل في العينين. وقد يولد الطفل بجدري الماء او بداء القوباء المنطقية.

- الأشخاص المصابين بضعف الجهاز المناعي مثل تلك التي مع سرطان الدم الحاد أو المزمن"الليوكيميا" أو فيروس نقص المناعة البشري"الايدز".
و المرضى الذين يتناولون ادوية تثبط المناعة مثل الكورتيزون .

يمكن أن تعطى تلك المجموعة- المعرضة لالتقاط العدوى وحدوث المضاعفات – اجسام مضادة ضد الفيروس " الغلوبيولين المناعي"عن طريق الحقن. وذلك لتعزيز الجهاز المناعي.


- عزل المصاب في المنزل طوال فترة المرض منعا لانتشار العدوى

- الاهتمام بالنظافة الشخصية و تقليم الأظافر والحفاظ عليها نظيفة للحد من خطر الإصابة بجروح ولمنع القروح من أن تلتهب بفعل البكتيريا وكي لا تبقى اثار الندوب ظاهرة بعد الشفاء أما الأطفال الصغار الذين يقومون بالحك بشدة فيمكن أن تغطي ايديهم بشاش أو قفازات مناسبة ،مع إبقاء المريض في محيط بارد لأن الحرارة والعرق يزيد من حدة الحك.

-معظم المرضى يحتاج لمعالجة عرضية فقط: إذا كان الطفل يعاني من الم او ارتفاع درجة حرارة الجسم يمكنك ان تعطي لهم مسكن خفيف ، مثل الباراسيتامول (مثل    أو الإيبوبروفين (مثل   للأطفال( -مع اتباع تعليمات الجرعات المنصوص عليها في النشرة- و تجنب إعطاء الأسبرين للأطفال والمراهقين المصابين بجديري الماء بسبب علاقته بمرض متلازمة راي 

-الحكة الخفيفة تعالج بالمحاليل والكريمات الموضعية المضادة للحكة مثل الكلامين مع ملاحظة عدم الافراط في استعمالها إذ قد تسبب مزيداً من الجفاف للجلد وبالتالي تضاعف الحكة.

- اذا كان الطفل يعاني من حكة شديدة لدرجة تؤثر على نومه يمكن استخدام أدوية مضادات الهيستامين ذات تأثير مهدئ .

-لا ينصح بإعطاء الأسيلكوفير"مضاد الفيروسات" بشكل روتيني لعلاج جدري الماء في الأحوال العادية وعند الأشخاص الأصحاء وذلك لتأثيراته الجانبية أما في حالة الإصابات الشديدة أو إذا كان الشخص يعاني من أمراض أخرى مثل نقص المناعة أو السرطانات أو الإصابات الرئوية فيمكن إعطاء الأسيلكوفير (أقراص  زوفيراكس على سبيل المثال) ويمكن لهذا الدواء أن يقلل من شدة المرض ومن انتشاره ويقصر فترة وجوده وذلك إذا أخذ في اليوم الأول من ظهور الطفح الجلدي.

اعداد:د. آية علي الواعي

Saturday, November 19, 2011

غرفة صناعة الأدوية تطالب حلمى بالاعتذار عن تشكيكه فى الدواء المصرى

عمرو حلمي وزير الصحة
طالبت غرفة صناعة الأدوية باتحاد الصناعات د.عمرو حلمى وزير الصحة بالاعتذار عن تصريحاته التى شكك فيها فى جودة منتجات الشركات المصرية، وإعلانه أن مصانع الأدوية المصرية تستخدم مواد خام أفضل فى منتجاتها التى تصدرها للخارج، وتستخدم مواد أقل جودة للأدوية التى تعرض فى السوق المحلية.
وقال د.مكرم مهنى رئيس الغرفة «لا يمكن التشكيك فى جودة الدواء المصرى الذى يلبى احتياجات 90 % من احتياجات السوق الدوائية المحلية، وتتركز الأنواع التى يتم استيرادها على أدوية محدودة لعلاج الأورام، والأنسولين».
وطالب مهنى وزير الصحة بتوضيح موقفه من الدواء المصرى والتصريح بشكل واضح عن جودته، لافتا النظر إلى أن الغرفة ونقابة الصيادلة تقدمت بمذكرة للوزير للاعتراض على ما أعلن من تصريحات، ومن المنتظر عقد اجتماع معه الأسبوع المقبل بهذا الخصوص.
وأضاف مهنى لـ«الشروق»: «لا يمكن تشويه صورة الدواء المصرى، خاصة أن صادرات شركات الأدوية المصرية تقدر سنويا بنحو 240 مليون جنيه فقط، وهى نسبة ضعيفة مقارنة بإمكانيات الشركات»، موضحا أن سبب ضعف التصدير  هو ما تواجهه الصناعة فى مصر من معوقات، على رأسها التسعير غير العادل للدواء فى الداخل. 
وفى المقابل أوضح المتحدث الرسمى لوزارة الصحة محمد الشربينى أن وزير الصحة لم يشكك فى جودة الدواء المصرى وانه حدث سوء فهم لما قاله، موضحا أن تصريح حلمى تضمن التأكيد على ضرورة أن يتمتع المريض المصرى بنفس مزايا المريض من مختلف الدول فى الخدمات العلاجية، ولم يقصد به الإساءة لشركات الأدوية المصرية.

Friday, November 18, 2011

One adult in ten will have diabetes by 2030 + Vacancies in Saudia Arabia



Pharmacists_coffee magazine
Edition No. 432, year 5

November 18, 2011
Today's edition sent to:
26,288 Arabian Pharmacists



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  "Thinking Like a Genius"
  may find attachment at the end of e-mail

Medicine of the week
Atorvastatin (INN) sold by Pfizer under the trade name Lipitor, is a member of the drug class known as statins, used for lowering blood cholesterol. It also stabilizes plaque and prevents strokes through anti-inflammatory and other mechanisms. Like all statins, atorvastatin works by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase, an enzyme found in liver tissue that plays a key role in production of cholesterol in the body.
Atorvastatin was first synthesized in 1985 by Bruce Roth while working at Parke-Davis Warner-Lambert Company (now Pfizer). With 2008 sales of US$12.4 billion, Lipitor was the top-selling branded pharmaceutical in the world.[1] US patent protection is scheduled to expire in June 2011.[2][3] However, Pfizer made an agreement with Ranbaxy Laboratories to delay the generic launch in the US until November 2011.[1]

Hypercholesterolemia[4] (heterozygous familial and nonfamilial) and mixed dyslipidemia (Fredrickson types IIa and IIb) to reduce total cholesterol, LDL-C,[5] apo-B,[6] Triglycerides[7] levels, and CRP[8] as well as increase HDL levels.
Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia[4] in pediatric patients
Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia[4][9]
Hypertriglyceridemia (Fredrickson Type IV)
Primary dysbetalipoproteinemia (Fredrickson Type III)
It has also been used in the treatment of combined hyperlipidemia.[10]
Secondary prophylaxis in patients with coronary heart disease and multiple risk factors for myocardial infarction, stroke, unstable angina,[11][12] and revascularization.[13][14]
Myocardial infarction and stroke prophylaxis in patients with type II diabetes.[15][16][17]
Concomitant therapy considerations
Atorvastatin may be used in combination with bile acid resins. It is not recommended to combine statin treatment with fibrates because of the increased risk of myopathy related adverse reactions.[18]Drug dose must be adjusted according to age of patient, and must be lowered in Hepatic insufficiency
Active liver disease: cholestasis, hepatic encephalopathy, hepatitis, and jaundice
Unexplained elevations in AST or ALT levels
Precaution must be taken when treating with atorvastatin, because rarely it may lead to rhabdomyolysis,[19] it may be very serious leading to acute renal failure due to myoglobinuria. If rhabdomyolysis is suspected or diagnosed, atorvastatin therapy should be discontinued immediately.[20] Also Atorvastatin should be discontinued if a patient has markedly elevated CPK levels or if a myopathy is suspected or diagnosed. The likelihood of developing a myopathy is increased by the co-administration of cyclosporine, fibric acid derivatives, erythromycin, niacin, and azole antifungals.[18]

Atorvastatin is absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy, it is likely to cause harm to fetal development because of the importance of cholesterol and various products in the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway for fetal development, including steroid synthesis and cell membrane production. It is not recommended that nursing mothers take atorvastatin due to the possibility of adverse reactions in nursing infants, since experiments with rats indicate that atorvastatin is likely to be secreted into human milk.

Medical Representative- Institution Team

A Multinational Company with Market leading position in the field of Anesthesia and Clinical nutrition requires for its expansion in Saudi Arabia, Medical Representatives – Institution Team
Candidates should have the following criteria:
  • Transferable Iqama is a must for non-Saudi.
  • Pharmacists or Physicians.
  • Experience in the Saudi pharmaceutical market not less than 2 years.
  • Experience in institutional market is a strong advantage.
  • Age not more than 30 years.
  • Proved track record of success.
  • Presentable with recognized selling skills.
  • Excellent command of English language and computer skills.
If you find these criteria in you, please send your updated CV stating your current location in the subject field to:
within 7 days.

PSR Required

Reputable pharmaceutical company is urgently seeking for hiring Male & female Medical representative in Jeddah
The successful candidate must have the following criteria
1-Vet , pharmacist  2- one year experience at least in Jeddah  3- smart and Hard worker 4- Transferable iqama
We offering Competitive packaging
please send your C.V. to:

Female Patients Educator for Multinational Company

Multinational Pharmaceutical Company work in Neonatal Medicine field , The company Working scope is governmental and private hospitals to educate and increase diseases awareness for Health Care Professionals and Patients .
Seeking a FEMALE PATIENTS EDUCATOR for Jeddah , Makkah, Madinah and Abha with following requirements :
1- Accountable, Ambitious, Hard & Smart worker
2- Bachelor degree in Pharmacy, Science or Veterinary Medicine.
3- Based in Saudi Arabia
4- Fluent in English.
5- Excellent Presentation Skills
We offer a very competitive package, Healthy work atmosphere
If you have the above mentioned criteria, you are kindly requested to send your CV to:
mentioning your city in Subject


Career opportunity in Saudi Arabia
GSK Saudi Arabia is recruiting pharmacists as medical representatives to join its sales team
-       Goal-oriented with high level of personal and business integrity
-       Two years post-qualification work experience, preferably with a multinational pharmaceutical company
-       Excellent interpersonal and customer care skills
-       Ability to work successfully and autonomously and as part of a team environment
-       A passion for success, with enthusiasm and proven sales ability
-       Good communication skills with English language proficiency
-       A valid driving license
-       Age below 26 years
If it sound like you and want to take your career to new horizon, be sure that we would like to hear from you, interested candidates to submit their resumes to either of the following email accounts within one week time:
Scope company - Cairo
Requires pharmacists for its branches in KSA
Age should not exceed 32 years
Please send your CV within one week to:
El-Maaly group
21 El-Sakhawi St. from Maqrezi St. - Roxy - Masr El-Gedida
One of the biggest pharmacy chains in KSA & the only one having ISO certificate in the middle east
Require male pharmacists for KSA
Attractive salary & incentives
Please send your CV to:
Tel: 0114734735 - 0106604641

Distribution company

we are a medical Saudi company and we desire to contract with Egyptian companies working in the medical field to market and distribute its products in the Kingdom.

National Sales Manager for KSA

An international Pharmaceutical company in KSA is seeking to recruit high caliber professionals for the following position:
National Sales Manager
■A pharmacist with 2-3 years experience, preferably with a multinational pharmaceutical company.
■Age not more than 40 years.
Kindly send your C.V. to:

Academic Positions

Prestigious University in KSA is in need for candidates to fill the vacant academic positions in the following departments:
1) Pharmacology
2) Medicinal Chemistry
4)Clinical Pharmacy
Ph.D Degree / Pharm D.(for clinical Pharmacy only)
minimum 3-5 years Academic experience (teaching)
Please send an updated C.V. to the following e-mail:
Big hospital in Khobar - KSA requires pharmacists
El-Asdekaa company
71 Gameat Al-Dowal Al-Arabia St. - Al-Kawthar management tower - Mohandeseen
Tel: 33374646 - 33356889 - 01227439205

Polypharm Scientific Office

Polypharm Scientific Office represents group of Multinational Companies.
Requires to appoint urgently Medical Representatives in:
Please apply to:
Fax: (202)22691641

Established Pharmaceutical company

- supervisor f Cairo area  .
- Medical reps  science & vet (Cairo – Menofia – Sharkia – Dakahlia –  Benisuef – Assuit) .
please send your c.v to :

Full Timer Medical Rep.

Sigma Pharmaceutical Industries
We are looking for hiring Qualified Full Time Medical Rep with the Following Criteria:
1. Age not more than 26 years old
2. Must have Medical Background (Vet, Pharmacist, Physician.)
3. English Language.
4. Computer skills
5. Having driving License
We offer competitive package, Car Policy, Health insurance, Developmental Career Pathway and generous incentive Scheme.
If you are matching the above criteria Please send your CV to:

Lamar pharma

well established pharmaceuticals company
need to med rep (part time) male or female at Fayum area urgently (pharmacist, vet, science) 
experience preferred we offer attractive package healthy environment  
to join to our team call (01002116264) or send ur cv on mail

Polypharm Scientific Office

Polypharm Scientific Office represents group of Multinational Companies.
Requires to appoint urgently Medical Representatives in:
Please apply to:
Fax: (202)22691641

Medical Representatives

Medical Representatives Alex And Behera

Pharmaceutical Company Requires full time and part time Medical Reps For Alexandria and Behera to promote cosmetics line .

Habib Scientific Office

Due to our promising expansion in the Egyptian Market, We are hiring a professional
candidates that are able to execute an effective promotional sales plan, build
and develop business relationships, represent HSO image .
Required title : Medical representative Code: 001
Applicant should have the following criteria:
1-Medical background: Pharmacist , Vet or Science.
2-Skills: Interpersonal skill , Communication skills , Presentation skills and
negotiation skills.
3-Qualifications: Excellent command of English , excellent computer user.
4-Valid driving license : is an asset
**Offer : Attractive package ,own car , incentive scheme , social insurance and
health insurance.
-If you interested send your C.V. with recent photo on the following e-mail.

Elite Pharma

We are a fast growing pharmaceutical organization with multifaceted activities & attractive opportunities for career development. We are currently looking for qualified candidates to join our expanding team in the following positions:
-      Medical Representatives " Ref. MR" All Governorates
-      Field Force Supervisors " Ref. FFS" All Governorates
Requested Qualifications: Pharmacists, Vet., Science
We offer Attractive Packages including competitive salaries, Car ownership, Health & Accident insurance & achievement incentives.
Kindly send your CV by fax Or E mail to the following contacts;
Tel/Fax: 02 22702076

An International Pharmaceutical Company

An international pharmaceutical company with a diversity of business in cosmeceutical is looking for hiring a highly professional candidate in the following positions:
  1. Medical Reps. (Job Ref: MR)
  • For the following regions: Heliopolis, Nasr City, Mohandeseen, Giza and Upper Egypt
  • Minimum One year experience
  1. Supervisor (Job Ref: SV)
  • Minimum One year experience in the same position
  1. Product Manager (Job Ref: PM)
  • Marketing Studies is a plus
  • Minimum Two-Three  years experience
  1. Assistant Product Manager (Job Ref: APM)
  • Required experience minimum two-three  years
  • Minimum One year experience
  1. Executive Secretary (Job Ref: ES)
  • Computer experience (Excel, MS Word, Power point…)
  • One year experience
A very competitive package will be offered with a great working environment .
Please send your CV at:

Sabaa Pharma International

We are well established pharmaceutical company with
excellent product portfolio. We are seeking to recruit qualified candidates for
1- Medical Representative Full and part time (mention your area in the sent subject)
In Cairo region (Abbasia, Shoubra el kheima and el Maadi)
region (Bolak el Dakrour, Imbaba and El Giza center)
Egypt (Bani Suef, Aswan, Luxor,Kena and souhag)
Alex region (Alex west)
Delta region (el Sues, Ismailia, Sheben el kom and Zagazig)
Candidate must be: pharmacist, veterinary, dentist, physician or science M
Less than 26 years
Male or female
2- Senior acting as supervisor in Damietta 1-2 years
experience in same position (Code SAS)
3- Assistant Product Manager from Cairo 1 year experience in same position (Code APM)
We offer an attractive package, benefits and a very promising career opportunity.
Suitable candidate is invited to apply and kindly mention your code you apply for in the sent subject, Kindly send C.V. for the following e-mail:

Egyptian Group For Pharmaceutical Industries (EGPI)

Med. Rep. required In :
French line: El-Manzala - Dakarnas - El-Gamaleya - Nasr City - Met Salsil
Must be resident in one of those areas
- Experience not less than 6 months
- Candidate should be (Science, vet, pharmacist)
- Male or Female
- We are offering
competitive salary, incentive scheme ,
medical insurance & other benefits
- please send your CV with recent photo within one week to:
Best Regards

A multinational pharmaceutical co.

Requires to employ the following position for immediate hiring:
Warehouse Manager (WM 1) : BSc. Pharmaceutical Science with 6 years experience in the same field
Please send your CV to:


FOCUS is new fast growing local company who work in the pharmaceutical flied in the following therapeutics areas(  Diabetes, Hypertension, Vitamins, Neurotonic and dermatological products)
If you consider yourself successful, record oriented work with a team and with at least one year experience as:
Medical representatives (Part timer PM )
science , physicians, vet, and dentists
- Giza( haram,fisal, elbadrashin and el aiat) Helwan, Maddi,Mohandssen, Shoubra , Elsida zinb, Hlioplies, Mataria, ziton and abbasia, Embaba and Doky.

Consultant for New Pharmaceutical Company for its New products Registration

New pharmaceutical company require a pharmacist 15 years experience in manufacturing (documented in his pharmacy card in pharmacy committee) or a pharmacist with PhD to work as consultant for new products registration.
Please call: 01017760602


Due to our expansions we are looking to hire new calibers for the following positions:
1- District Manager for Delta 2 region ( resident in Tanta )
2- Medical Representatives in Sharkia, Ismailiya, Tanta, Alexandria, Giza, Cairo, Sohag, Qena
Attractive package + car + Health Insurance
Send your C.V to:

Registration Pharmacist

A Fast growing pharmaceutical company is looking to hire a pharmacist specialized
in MOH registrations and productions follow up (2 years experience is preferred)
Attractive package + car + health insurance
send your C.V to:
with Ref (REG)

Leading pharmaceutical company

Well known pharmaceutical company require the following position:
1-Medical rep's Alexandria For the following Areas ref:MALX
West Alex-East Alex-Behira
2-Medical rep's for upper Egypt for the following Areas ref:MUP
Sohag &Qena
3-Medical rep's for Ismailia Area Based Ismalia) ref:MIS
4-Medical rep's for port said Area (Based Port said) ref:MPS
5-Medical rep's for Fakos Area (Based Fakos) ref:MFK
6-Medical rep's for French line in Dakahlia ref:MFL
7-Medical rep's for Suez (Bases Suez) ref:MRS
8-medical rep's for Helwan Area ref:MRH
9-Medical rep's for Maadi Area ref:MRM
1-Age not more than 28 years
2-pharmacist or vet only
3-Hard worker, talented ,able to work under pressure
4-Past experience will be an advantage
We Offer:
Attractive package-transportation allowance-medical insurance-aggressive incentive scheme
Interested candidate are requested to send their CV with reference code to Email:
NB:any CV without reference code will be avoided


Due to Our Further Expansion we are looking for joining highly ambitious motivated candidates for the following vacancies:
1. Full time Medical Representatives for all governorates (REF: FTMR)
2. Part time Medical Representatives for all governorates (REF: PTMR)
General Conditions & Qualifications: •
Medical Background (Pharmacy, Vet , Medicine, Science (Biology Sections) phythiotherapy )
• Excellent Communications and time management skills
• High profiles Person to join a growing team & ability to learn
• Excellent English Written & Reading.
Please send your updated CV with recent photo to
Please write the REF & governorate

IBN SINA for pharmaceutical Trading

A well Established national pharmaceutical Company
Is looking for hiring the following vacancies at all Governorates
1- Product manager
2– Medical Reps
The right candidates should be ambitious, self motivated and team work player.
Please send your CV to
E- mail:


Seeks to recruit qualified med.rep (full & part time) for the following positions in Egypt:
Successful candidates should be pharmacist, vet or science ( fresh or experience ).
Exceptional & very competitive package will be offered to right candidates based on experience.
please send your c.v with a recent photo to:
Tel&Fax: 02  226  239  31

National Pharmaceutical Company

Due to 2012 Business expansion, Well established pharmaceutical company needs highly qualified calibers to join successful team.
We are company with strong product portoflio and enriched pipeline.
we offer competitive package and car.
If you are MANSOURA resident, VET, Below 25 Years OLD ,you are so welcomed to send your CV to:
* fresh or experienced candidates are welcome
* all CV.s will be treated confidentially.

Vacant in Eccopharm

Eccopharm looking for medical representative pharmacist or vet in Giza and Cairo we offer;
1-attractive package
2-medical insurance
3-car after 3 months
4-mobile line
5-excellent career pathway
kindly send your c.v on

Consultant for New Pharmaceutical Company for its New products Registration

New pharmaceutical company require a pharmacist 15 years experience in manufacturing (documented in his pharmacy card in pharmacy committee) or a pharmacist with a bachelor degree to work as consultant for new products registration.
Please call: 01017760602
Alcon, a division of Novartis, is a global leader in ophthalmic pharmaceuticals, surgical equipment and devices, and contact lens products
Is seeking qualified candidates for the following positions:
Medical representatives 1-2 years experience
Supervisors 4-5 years experience
Location: regional
Qualifications: university degree and pharmacy license, experience in a multinational pharmaceutical company
The candidate will be responsible for achieving sales objectives for pharmaceutical, surgical, contact lens products lines; and will assist sales management in developing & executing specific sales plans and targeting defined customers & accounts
Ideal candidates should be:
1.    Excellent in communication and negotiation
2.    Team players
3.    Strong in PC literacy
4.    Excellent in oral and written English
Please submit your resume within 10 days, to the following email:
Is seeking for:
Professional medical representatives
In all governorates due to expansion
Excellent package offered
With incentive scheme and owning a car
For qualified candidates please send your CV on:
Within one week
We are seeking to appoint highly qualified candidates for the following positions:
·         Medical representatives for all governorates (Ref 01 MR)
-       Bachelor's degree in pharmacy, medicine or vet
·         District sales managers for all governorates (Ref 02 DM)
-       3 years experience in a similar position
We offer:
1-    A very competitive package & fringe benefits
2-    Winning culture that reward high performance
If you are career oriented, dynamic, hard working and self motivated, please send your CV with a recent photo quoted the job reference to
fax: (202) 23580507
1-    Sales supervisors (Ref#1)
2-    Medical representative (Ref#2)
3-    Regulatory affairs (Ref#3)
20 Ali Ameen - Nasr City - Cairo 0222615406/7
Fast growing pharmaceutical company in KSA
Is seeking highly qualified candidates for urgent hiring in Saudi Arabia to fulfil the following position:
Medical representative
Male, pharmacist or vet, age below 28 & two years experience
We offer a very competitive package plus facilities
Please send your CV with a recent photo to the following
Within 14 days
Quality for all
Rameda is inviting you to join our emerging team as:
1-    Full-time medical rep (Ref.FTM)
All governorates
2-    Product specialist (Ref.PS)
Preferably 2 years of experience at a multinational company specialized in CVS, CNS or ophthalmology products
3-    District manager (Ref.DM)
All governorates - minimum 2 years of experience in the same position
4-    Product manager (Ref.PM)
Preferably 3 years of experience in the same field at a multinational company
·         Bachelor degree in pharmaceutical science / vet / medicine / dental medicine / science
·         Military service exempted or postponed
Please send your updated CV with a recent photo referring to the position to:
Medical center for sale or rent (new law)
Medical center working for more than 10 years with license in Victoria - Alexandria
For more information please call
Tel: 01224229109 - 01223460521

Pharmacy for sale - Haram

Area: 44 meter
Fully equipped, next to dental & pediatric clinics
Have been closed the last 6 months
Final price: 240,000 L.E
Tel: 01005679335

A Pharmacy for sale in Nasr city

A pharmacy for sale in Zahraa Nasr city,
well furnished,30 meters& revenue from 700-1000 le daily plus fawry device for paying bells of mobiles and land lines.(400 le)
it's opened since one year.
Final price 380000 cash or 300000 down payment and  3000 monthly for 3 years.
For serious pharmacists only call on: 01008511544
Needs pharmacists
Tel: 01067448282
Needs pharmacists
Experience is preferred
Tel: 01227428061
Needs pharmacists
Housing is available
Tel: 01006180335
Pharmacy in Hemyet El-Zatoon
needs male/female pharmacists with experience
Tel: 01115851817

Pharmacy in Maadi

Needs fresh graduate pharmacists
From 12:00pm - 10:00pm
Tel: 01115883200

Pharmacy manager

Any pharmacy at el Mahala el kobra needs a pharmacy manager 
Call me at 0186776257

Pharmacist for pharmacy in Nasr city

A pharmacy in Zahraa Nasr city needs a pharmacist for shift from 5p.m.-12a.m. with salary and incentive.
Call on 01008511544

Pharmacy in Sharabia

Needs male/female pharmacists for morning shift near Ghamra metro
Tel: 01221032882 - 01110209710

Pharmacists for Pharmacy In Maadi Kornish.

pharmacist required for morning shift from 9 to 5 pm , 
Call: 01006006506 or 25284428.

Female Pharmacist

Female pharmacist needed for a pharmacy just in front of "Kolleyyet Al Banat", Heliopolis (Masr Al Gideeda) – Morning shift (From 8:30 to 3:30).
If interested, please call the following number: 01002939539
needs pharmacists with experience
housing is available
Tel: 37453488
Needs pharmacists
96 Ahmed Orabi St.
Tel: 33033312
Needs pharmacists
Tel: 0190080941
Needs female pharmacists for morning shift
Attractive salary
Tel: 01149996964 - 01515146469
Needs manager pharmacist with experience
Tel: 01223133502
Needs assistant pharmacist with experience for night shift
Tel: 0146921695
Needs pharmacists
Housing is available
Tel: 01288908901 - 01288908099
Needs pharmacists with experience
Tel: 22582452 - 01223616778 - 01119188193
Needs pharmacists with experience
Tel: 24502753 - 24525980
Needs pharmacists with experience
Tel: 01110878191
Needs pharmacists
Tel: 01147314357
Needs pharmacists
Housing is available
Tel: 01002635000

Pharmacist & Assistant Pharmacist, with MOH / DOH license, required for a pharmacy in Dubai.
Pharmacist, with MOH & DOH licence, reqd. Email:
Assistant Pharmacist, with MOH licence, reqd. Email:
Pharmacist, with MOH & DOH license, required for a pharmacy group of Co.
Send your CV to:
Pharmacist, with HAAD license, required for a group of pharmacies.
Call 050-5060851 / 050-5245685 / fax 02-5562608.
Pharmacist, female, with HAAD license & Gulf experience, required.
Please send CV to:
Full / Part-time Assistant Pharmacist, with MOH licence, required for a pharmacy in Sharjah.
Call 050-8687988.


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Novartis and collaborators discover new dual-acting class of antimalarial compounds

Friday, 18 November 2011
The discovery of a new class of dual-acting antimalarial compounds - the imidazolopiperazines (IZPs) - was published in the journal Science online, at the Science Express website[1].

Genzyme and Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Therapeutics Announce Collaboration

Thursday, 17 November 2011
Genzyme, a Sanofi company (EURONEXT: SAN and NYSE: SNY), and Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Therapeutics Inc., the nonprofit affiliate of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, announced a research agreement to support the discovery of new drugs to treat people with the most common mutation found in patients with CF, Delta F508.

Bayer plans further expansion in Asia

Wednesday, 16 November 2011
The Bayer Group plans to further expand its production, distribution network and research activities in Asia and considerably increase its sales in the region in the coming years.

SATURN demonstrated effect of intensive statin treatment on reducing atherosclerosis

Wednesday, 16 November 2011
AstraZeneca announced full results from the SATURN (Study of Coronary Atheroma by InTravascular Ultrasound: Effect of Rosuvastatin Versus AtorvastatiN) study, which demonstrated that aggressive treatment with a statin can lower LDL-C ("bad" cholesterol) to an average of 70 mg/dL or less, increase HDL-C ("good" cholesterol) to an average of approximately 50 mg/dL, and reduce plaque in the arteries of the heart.

Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation's Together on Diabetes® Initiative Marks First Anniversary

Tuesday, 15 November 2011
The Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation today marked World Diabetes Day and the first anniversary of its Together on Diabetes® initiative by awarding eight grants totaling $18.4 million to help communities and populations disproportionately affected by type 2 diabetes.

One adult in ten will have diabetes by 2030

Monday, 14 November 2011
World Diabetes Day 2011 marks the release of the International Diabetes Federation's 5th edition of the Diabetes Atlas. New figures indicate that the number of people living with diabetes is expected to rise from 366 million in 2011 to 552 million by 2030, if no urgent action is taken.

Thirteen Finalists Chosen for Boehringer Ingelheim and Ashoka Changemakers "Making More Health" Competition

Monday, 14 November 2011
Boehringer Ingelheim and Ashoka Changemakers announced that thirteen finalists have been selected in the first Boehringer Ingelheim Making More Health competition.
Manager's Tips 109)
·        Walk for 10-30 minutes every day, while smiling.
·        Sit quietly for at least 10 minutes every day, in isolation if necessary
·        Upon arising in the morning, one must immediately say "My goal today is...."
·        Read & Listen to Quran everyday.  This is real nourishment for the soul.
·        Live with the 3 Es:  Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy.


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Egypt Today
