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From: Sawsan Kato <>
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2011 02:14:25 -0700
To: Ayman Moftah<>
ReplyTo: قم بالرد للتعلي ق <>
Subject: [جروب الطب فى خ دمة الشعب] Advi ce for Strong a nd Healthy Nail s By: Albright. ..
 | Advice for Strong and Healthy Nails By: Albright Total Views: 147, Word Count: 619, View PDF
Nails provide protection to nerve rich tips of our fingers & toes from any abrasion or injury. Healthy nail beds are richly supplied with blood but nails themselves are devoid of blood vessels. As new cells grow, older cells become hard & compacted & are eventually pushed out towards the fingertips. They are composed mainly of a type of protein called keratin. Healthy nails are smooth & uniform in color & consistency, free of spots or discoloration but if you note any abnormality it should be taken care of immediately. Even nails need care to make them healthy & strong & it can be done in the following manner:-
Balanced diet- Your diet affects every thing including your nails. You should intake a well balanced diet that includes lots of fruits, vegetables, pulses, cereals, meat etc. All these are rich sources of proteins & help in providing strength to your body & nails too.
Multi- vitamins- Nail health relies on sufficient supplies of folic acid, vitamin- B complex, vitamin A & D and few minerals like calcium, zinc, iron & iodine. If you are not receiving these vital nutrients from your diet, you can take them in the form of pills.
Avoid abusing- Don't use your fingernails as tools. Avoid any kind of picking, plucking, poking or prying with your nails.
Wear gloves- While doing daily household chores your hands & nails get exposed to harsh soaps, detergents, cleaners etc. To avoid nail damage & to keep them healthy, use rubber gloves necessarily. Otherwise, you'll end up with brittle, infected nails.
Moisturize- Nails lack any kind of fat deposits so they need to be moisturized every time you wash your hands. Dry nails can crack, peel & become brittle so it's best to use a thick, greasy moisturizer especially before going to bed.
Clean & dry- After washing or bathing, dry your hands properly with a soft cotton towel. Also clean your nails regularly using a soft bristled nail brush to remove dead skin or dirt & to prevent growth of any kind of micro organism.
Manicure Essentials- Treat your nails to manicure once a week. It softens the nails & help in keeping them strong & healthy. Manicure can be easily done at home using following tips:-
Remove any previous nail polish using an acetone free remover with the help of a cotton ball. Now, wash your hands properly with a mild soap. Gently file your nails. Best shape is oval since it is a stronger shape than square or rectangle. Massage a rich cream into your cuticles. Soften your cuticles in warm water & using a cuticle pusher push your cuticles back. Be gentle & careful not to damage your cuticles. Now massage your hands with a natural hand lotion containing peppermint oil. Few other essential oils can also be used to beautify the skin & nails- rosemary, lavender, gingko biloba, witch hazel & horsetail. Instead of applying nail paint, try buffing. It is a natural alternative whish stimulates circulation & leaves a glossy shine letting the natural pink color of your nails show through. It also accelerates nail growth |
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