Subside at morning
Starts before ascites because it is gravitional
هذه الصفحة مخصصة للرد على استفساراتكم الطبية و الصحية و ارشادكم الى الطريق الصحيح ان شاء الله للحصول على خدمة طبية متميزة داخل و خارج مصر و بلا مقابل ان شاء الله اتركوا استفساراتكم في تعليق و سنجيب عليكم في نفس التعليق او نرد عليكم بموضوع كامل لو الموضوع يستحق او ارسلوا لنا استفساراتكم على
Subside at morning
Starts before ascites because it is gravitional
Oedema both lower limbs
Dyspepsia to all types of food
Sweating to mild activities
pain in right hypochondrium
Syncope Attacks
Anginal pain
Intermittent Claudication
Mitral Stenosis
Secondary to Chest Infections
Pulmonary Embolism or Deep Vein Thrombosis
Acute Pulmonary Oedema
Lung Congestion
Dry irritating spasmodic nocturnal cough
Recurrent Chest infections
Compression on recurrent laryngeal nerve by dilated left atrium characterized by hoarseness of Voice
Compression on trachea by dilated aortic Aneurysm
Cardiac Asthma
History for Cardiac disease
Occurs after 2 hours after sleep
Dyspnea before cough
Frothy Pinkish Sputum
Auscultation Crackles bilateral basal with inspiration
Bronchial Asthma
History of Respiratory disease
Occurs late at night
Cough before Dyspnea
Little viscid mucoid sputum
Auscultation wheezes with expiration